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Personal Finance
What Is The New 529 Rule In 2024?
gettyA special SECURE 2.0 Act bonus kicked in as of the new year. It’s something all parents need to be aware of. For the first time ever, they can now save for their children’s college education and their children’s retirement at the same…
Are You Stuck In The Gap Or Living In The Gain?
I’m reading the short book, The Gap and the Gain, co-authored by Dan Sullivan, the famed founder of Strategic Coach, and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and while it applies to many areas of life, its implications in how we approach our finances and…
Facts You Need To Know Before Taking The Social Security Lump Sum Cash Option
gettyThe Social Security Administration still is doing a disservice by coaxing applicants into taking the optional lump sum cash payment when they sign up. The beneficiaries more than pay for it over the long term. The lump sum option isn’t…
IRS Announces Modest Changes To Retirement Plan Contribution Limits
The 2024 Contribution Limits for Retirement Plans can be found here.Beacon Financial ServicesIn response to the current inflationary environment, the Internal Revenue Service announced a modest increase in the maximum contribution limits…
Emotions, Ego, & Envy: Avoid Financial Failures With “Clear Thinking”
One of the best books of 2023—and one sure to land on my list of Advisor Resources for Financial LIFE Planning—was published near the year’s end. I’ve been following Shane Parrish’s work for years as the creator and curator of the Farnam…
Higher Social Security Benefits May Mean A Tax Bill For Seniors This Year
Social Security recipients could be in for an unpleasant surprise this tax season.gettySeniors saw a boost in Social Security benefits in 2023 to offset the rising cost of living. But there could be a downside—the increase may result in a…
6 Tips To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
6 hacks to maximize your social security benefits.gettyEveryone nearing retirement always seems to have a ton of questions surrounding how to maximize their Social Security benefits. These questions range from “When should I take Social…
Ditch The Money Guru Debt Drama: It’s Time For Personalized Planning
Personal finance is like politics and religion. People live and die over doctrinal debates that too often take the discussion to polarizing ends and away from the root issues and optimal guidance.Much of the debate in financial planning…
Golden Bachelor Wedding Sparks Conversations About Gray Divorce And Its Financial Consequences
THE GOLDEN BACHELOR - "Finale and After the Final Rose (108)" - Jesse Palmer hosts as the emotional conclusion of Gerry Turner's journey plays out in front of a live studio audience and he's joined by his final two women for the first time…
The Surprising Power Of A Singular Priority In Money And Life
I’m a professional prioritizer. As a financial advisor, it’s not my preferences that I am responsible for articulating nor my priorities that I am duty-bound to help order, but my clients’. And after 26 years in this business, I have no…